Original Stories, Photographs and Artwork by Molly Anderson-Childers

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Excellent New Resources for Educators

If you are an educator, writer, or artist, I hope you'll find resources and inspiration here.  I've worked as an art and writing instructor, and am well-acquainted with the difficulties and challenges faced by educators in today's classrooms.   Teachers are the great unsung heroes of our time.

If you are an educator, I salute you!  Since I can't give you all a shiny red apple, I wanted to offer up a few resources for you in this post. 

If you're in need of classroom materials that work in the real world, please visit Cottonwood Press - their site has a wealth of resources to make your job a little easier! 

For how-to activities, ideas, and inspiration, check out Creativity Portal

Looking for fresh new ways to inspire young writers?  Visit Hank Kellner's blog, English Education, for a look at his evocative, intriguing photos.  This blog helps educators use photographs to inspire their students to write poetry, fiction, and essays.

If you have a resource or link to share, please email me at and I'll post it here!

What Inspires You?
Photograph by Molly Anderson-Childers

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